Getting to Know a New City

Coming here to live vs. coming here on vacation proved to be two

Arriving in Merida
Arriving in Merida

very different things.  Packing was harder because I knew we were not just here for the beach or to tour some Mayan ruins, but to actually stay.

This mindset penetrated everything we planned and the first week of our stay was focused around finding a school for the kids and a place to live.

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Preparing to Worldschool

I attended the FPEA (Florida Parent Educators Association) Homeschool conference

Scrunch Map!  It's water-resistant, tear-resistant and it crumbles into a ball.
Scrunch Map! It’s water-resistant, tear-resistant and it crumbles into a ball.

over Memorial Day weekend. It was great to be around other homeschooling families and hear some sessions on hot homeschool topics.  But the most important part of the conference is the exhibitor’s hall.  That’s the place where I get to touch all the manipulatives, flip through all the workbooks and get my hands on the materials.  The interesting things about this

year are:   Continue reading